So, I figure this is a blog, I can write my thoughts about some games I play on some nights, need a good naming system though so they're easily looked through, sort of a log if you will.
Anyway, played with a bunch of good people tonight, started off fooling around with Gun Game, there were five of us, pretty fun. Played some One in the Chamber and Sharpshooter as well. I like wager matches as a whole, they're part of the reason I bought Black Ops, something less serious. I'd like to see them in MW3, but no biggie if they are not there. Something I do
not want to see is COD Points, which I suppose wager matches uses as a base, but I'm sure some substitute system could be thought of.
The reason I don't want COD Points in MW3 is because they completely remove the motivation to use any gun that you aren't good with. Once one gets to their favorite gun, they buy it, the respective attachments, camouflages, and emblem displays and they're all done. What would have taken hours of play time now takes seconds. Unless IW can implement them in a more compelling way, I'd rather go back to the old system.
That said, I also played some of a game type I have very little experience on, Search and Destroy. I've never liked it. I always play it like I play any other game type, run and gun, and sometimes that works out, but most of the time it doesn't. Usually that means the other team plays Search a lot, and either "camp" or have a better feel for what they're doing than my team does. What ever the situation, it never ends well for me in this game type. And it didn't end well for us tonight. Oh well, it's too slow a game type for me anyway. Any game where the good strategy is using ghost, ninja, and a silencer and head glitching to the point of near invincibility doesn't sound like a game type I'd like to play. (That's actually probably not the good strategy, I just see it more often there than anywhere else.)
Moving on. Sabotage was next on the list. We had a full party, which made it hard to find any games that the other team would stay in for more than one round. Which outlined a clear problem with Sabo for me, it's only one round. You play to one, what's the point of having the score counter in the bottom left then? It'd be a bit more interesting if it was best of three. One of the guys I was playing with was suggesting a shorter timer between games, and I know this was done in a TDM game type in MW2, maybe it should be done here too.
Regardless of whether people would stay, we were racking up the wins. But eventually that got tiring. I don't think we lost a game for the two or so hours we were playing that before finally moving to Domination. Ahhh... Domination. Fun game type. I didn't play much of it before Black Ops. But tonight was good. Had a bunch of decent games on Jungle after unlocking the MPL. Four of us could hold a decent spawn trap.
As for guns for the night, I bounced around a bit, getting to Level 36 at the end of the night. Used the Galil for a bit early on, moved to the MP5K with Rapid Fire, that helped my K/D for the night, mainly because of the lightweight and marathon setup. That allowed me to beat all my friends to the kills. Because when you play with five other good players it's really just a competition for kills, especially in TDM, which strangely enough I didn't play at all tonight.
Anyway, I sprinted around with the MP5K until level 35, then hello MPL! My love has always been with fast shooting SMG's in the COD series, and an MPL with Rapid Fire fits that description. It's the first SMG that I get that I'm really excited for, the other one being the Spectre. The MP5K is a decent substitute until these two guns. But the Rapid Fire is key. In other games I'd normally run a silencer, but SMGs in Black Ops need the Rapid Fire, I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive.
Hopefully I'll be able to bring some more Guns of Black Ops posts soon, as that seems to be where I'm getting the most hits. I also have started tracking the MW3 news very closely, so I'll be sure to keep you posted on any new I read.
Until then,
Go Deep. Go Hard.
-K1ng K00p4