Monday, December 27, 2010

Black Ops

So, haven't posted since I was playing a lot of MW2. But Black Ops is out, and has been for a month plus. I haven't played a lot of it due to a busy semester, but thanks to winter break I've been gaming it up.

First things first, this game is more about gun skill than MW2 was. And I like that, makes it feel more like COD4:MW. But this game is not COD4. While one might say it's the best COD yet I sometimes find it hard to compare the Treyarch and Infinity Ward games these days. Allow me to explain.

I very much was an Infinity Ward fan boy. I didn't buy World at War because of it, and same goes for COD3 actually. I said I wasn't going to buy Black Ops, but they did a good job of making it look good. And the one thing that convinced me was Wager Matches, something new brought to the table. Anyway, back on topic, I find it hard to compare the games between the two developers because there are always the smallest things that are different between the games, probably because there is little communication between developers.

Small things that I'm talking about include gun stats and hit detection. Do you think the teams trade code on how one game's hit detection works over another? They might, but switching from game to game things do feel different, recoil is a big on there.

So while gun skill is a factor in Black Ops, like it was in COD4, what made it less of a factor in MW2? I think it's these small things that get tweaked. But whatever was tweaked in Black Ops, I think it's for the better.

If you haven't added your 60 bucks to the billion this game has already made, I'd suggest picking up this Holiday season.

Go Deep. Go Hard.
-K1ng K00p4

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